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发布日期:2019/5/31 9:25:34  已经浏览 3144 次

1. 安装前,一定要检查各零件是否良好,润滑油是否上足,螺栓有无松动,与其有关技术数据是否相符。
2. 安装时,一定要保持基础布置平面水平180°;启闭机底座与基础布置平面的接触面积要达到90%以上;螺杆轴线要垂直于闸台上横梁的水平面;要与闸板吊耳孔吻合垂直,避免螺杆倾斜,造成局部受力而损坏机件。
3. 安装后,一定要作试运行,一作无载荷试验,即让螺杆作两个行程,听其有无异常声响,检测安装是否符合技术要求。二作载荷试验,在额定载荷下,作两个行程,观察螺杆与闸门的运行情况,有无异常现象。确认无误后,方可正式运行。在载荷运行一段时间后,要进行首次保养,把机内新机件磨擦产生的金属沫特别是螺杆、螺母、涡轮、涡杆,要轻洗干净,涂上润滑油,密封严实,继续使用。
1. Before installation, it is necessary to check whether the parts are in good condition, whether the lubricating oil is sufficient, whether the bolts are loose, and whether the relevant technical data are consistent.
2. When installing, it is necessary to keep the level of foundation layout 180 degrees; the contact area between the base of hoist and the plane of foundation layout should be more than 90%; the axis of screw should be perpendicular to the horizontal plane of the cross beam on the gate platform; and it should be vertical to the ear hole of the gate plate to avoid the inclination of screw, which will cause local stress and damage to the machine parts.
3. After installation, it is necessary to make a trial run. As soon as a load-free test is carried out, the screw is allowed to make two journeys, listen to its abnormal sound, and check whether the installation meets the technical zuchet.75ix.com qidongjt.89ix.com bopiji.89ix.com xuanqieji.89ix.com jianqiejij.89ix.com tongshizi.89ix.comrequirements. The second is the load test. Under the rated load, two strokes are made to observe the operation of screw and gate, and whether there are any abnormal phenomena. Only after confirmation is correct can it be officially operated. After a period of load operation, the first maintenance should be carried out. The metal foam produced by friction of new parts in the machine, especially screw, nut, turbine and scroll, should be cleaned lightly, coated with lubricant, sealed tightly, and continued to use.
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